Rabu, 13 April 2011

Iklan Keren

ni iklan mengandung kata2 yg sarat akan inspirasi yg sanggup membuatku terbangun dari tidur panjang selama ini : 

I want to live my life to the absolute fullest
To open my eyes to be all I can be
To travel roads not taken, to meet faces unknown
To feel the wind, to touch the stars
I promise to discover myself
To stand tall with greatness
To chase down and catch every dream

ni iklan romantic bangat deh coz kata2nya sangat menyentuh hati n membuatku terpesona :

Will you remember our sweet moments
and cherished them the way I do
How we spent our special moments together
How we used to share it all…
Will you remember me the way
I remember you.. Will you be the same
The last time I saw you, you are the sweetest
Every moment with you is the sweetest one…..

andaikan iklan2 yg ada di tipi smuanya menggunakan bahasa n kata2 yg bisa menggugah n menyentuh perasaan,,,saya jamin orang2 akan lebih meilih menonton iklan dari pada acara intinya hehehehehehe

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